Sunday worship 10:45 a.m.

Weekly Learning Opportunities at PLBC

Each week we gather from 9:30-10:30am to learn and grow together.  
Classes are offered by age and stage, and all are welcome to join.

Adult Bible Fellowship:  This class is designed to challenge adults with new ideas and opportunites to expand our knowledge of God, the world he created, and our role in the culture around us. Themes range from doctrinal studies and biblical exposition to contemporary issues of importance and timely matters of personal relevance. 

Youth Bible Study:  7th-12th grade students are invited to join the youth fellowship, where the teens learn about forming their worldviews, interacting with the world around them, and dive deep into their growing knowledge about the Bible. Our scope & sequence takes each teen through an in-depth study of biblical theology in the Old and New Testaments, study in the interpretation and application of biblical texts, each major doctine of Christian theology, and a detailed analysis of Christian apologetics with an aim toward biblical worldview shaping. 

Sunday School:  Children ages 2 years old through the 6th grade will find a welcome in classes designed specifically for their age and stage.  Currently, we group our classes as follows:  2-3 year olds, 4-5 year olds, 1st-3rd grade, and 4th-6th grade. Each class follows a gospel-centered curriculum that leads the student through the stories of the Bible with a focus on Christ's redemptive love, His great commission to reach all peoples with the gospel, and our calling to glorify God with our lives. 

Nursery: Children 0-2 are welcome in our staffed nursery. 

Each PLBC children and youth worker has undergone age-specific training, has recently cleared a full background check, and is a member in good standing at PLBC. If you wish to check a child into one of our classrooms, we'll gladly direct you toward one of the check-in station kiosks throughout the building. This will provide you a name tag for your child and a matching security code for our secure pick-up process. If this is your first visit to PLBC, you may want to plan for a few extra minutes to ensure a smooth check-in process.